SLP has a strategic partnership with Shimadzu, one of the market’s leading vendor for UHPLC (Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography) LC-MS/MS systems for drug confirmation testing. With models designed specifically to take advantage of modern, high throughput workflows, SLP can ensure that customers have the appropriate instrument suited to both their current and future requirements. PhD-level scientists and experienced chemists help establish drug detection and method parameters, defining report limits, and offer assistance with validation. We work closely with your practice to develop and validate methods, and identify, recruit and train key personnel that meet the specific needs of each individual lab. SLP’s scientists offer continued support throughout your contract period.
LC-MS/MS Confirmation
Why SLP and Shimadzu?
Technical Assistance
Validation, Method Development,
Toxicology, Workflow, Documentation
Proficiency Testing

MS/MS, Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Triple Quad or QQQ, is the standard for quantitative analysis of compounds in clinical, pharmaceutical, toxicology, and research industries.
Why Shimadzu?
- UHPLC allows for better peak separation with shorter run times, thereby maximizing efficiency and minimizing consumable cost.
- Shimadzu UHPLC systems are more robust, requiring less maintenance, and result in less downtime than other systems.
- Best for most applications.
- 3 system models to choose from: 8040, 8050, and 8060.